created to maximize your capacity in accomplishing your vision and goals


Our workshops are designed with you in mind. We know that you’re out to do something great, but whether it’s time, money, social pressure or fear –
something is stopping you. And we want to explore what that is.

We know that your performance is indicative of the actions you take. And while our workshops are full of knowledge and insight, you can bet that you’ll leave with tools and new plans to remove barriers, and implement and inspire new actions.

Setting my habits up for a new year has set my priorities in a way that setting a resolution has never done. I am still using those habits as a guide, six months into the year.”
– Megan Ryland

Previous Habit Series

January 3rd:
Hack your New Year’s Resolutions

In partnership with Stuart Anderson (Performance Coach and Director of MindAscend), Melissa Bodner (Certified Integrative Health Coach), and Jezzele Rios (Bio-Energy Healer), participants were asked to take a brand new approach to goal-setting from a holistic approach of reflection, exploration, and design.

It’s easy to lose sight of resolutions when there’s been no intentional, real change to our day-to-day lives. By leveraging the power of habits, participants created powerful and lasting resolutions in the realms of health, spirituality, creativity, and relationships. A range of specialized breakout sessions also allowed people to explore new areas of life to tackle, from personal finances to mindfulness and productivity.

April 24th:
The Art of Decluttering

At Relearn Habits, we know that life gets messy. Despite best intentions, things start to slowly unravel over time and plans start getting in the way. New projects happen. Laundry happens. Errands happen. And there is not enough time, energy, or willpower in a day.

We inevitably build up clutter in not only our material things, but also in our thinking, which clouds our ability to focus on what’s truly important.

With the goal to help participants identify, re-evaluate, and tackle the many forms of clutter that show up in our lives, The Art of Decluttering included specialized sessions with Rosie Pidcock (Market Development Manager at Intel), and a panel featuring Don Burks (Head Instructor at Lighthouse Labs), Anthony Pak (Mechanical Engineer at Integral Group), and Helena Palmqvist (Operations Manager at Options for Sexual Health).