Relearn Habits started as a pilot project with the aim to increase confidence and resiliency in a group of graduating university students.

While making the jump from student life into industry was, in theory, what university students were working and striving towards, it was becoming increasingly obvious that new grads were become plagued with self-doubt, confusion, and a loss of purpose. We thus designed the project to confront this trend, but what started as a course to incite self-discovery and self-learning quickly morphed into something bigger and more ambitious. Somewhere along its development, The Habit Course was born.

Why habits? The more research we did, the more it seemed obvious that habits were at the root of basic behavioural change. Habits were revealed to be the building blocks of everyday life. They were everywhere; in a morning routine, a preferred path to work or school, a dinner decision or conversation topic… even in thought patterns, decisions, and choices. We had hit the motherload.

Habits were the curricular content, but the course unleashed something unexpected. It became clear that we were serving a deeply unmet need. We had created an environment where people felt connected, supported, and empowered to challenge some of their most strongly held beliefs.

Following the pilot course, we decided to make the course more widely available and proceeded to refine our curriculum and test it on young professionals and entrepreneurs. Today, we have had over 120 people go through The Habit Course, and hundreds more who have been impacted by our custom workshops.



We believe we’re entering a new paradigm in education, born out of the inadequacies of the current education system, and the new world in which we live in. The fundamental problem facing the education system is that it relies on an extrinsic reward system – if I get an A, I’ll be okay, but if I get anything less than that, I will fail. This creates two fundamental issues: hyper competitive students operating in a zero sum game, and students who learn for anything but the sake of learning. We believe these two paradigms need to change, and it requires a whole new design of the system.

We’re not disillusioned in that the change will happen overnight. That’s why we want to immerse people in transformative learning experiences where they can discover what we think education should look like: a safe place to test the boundaries outside of your comfort zone, within the context of community.

Although we think content is important, we believe that content is not a valid differentiator. What makes us unique is the way we design and deliver our courses. We are absolutely meticulous about the pace of learning, and focus our efforts on sequencing the right exercises at the optimal time, delivered in the best way. This comes from our deeply held belief that the mission of an instructor is not to impart knowledge, but to inspire learning, ignite a passion for discovery, and support the community’s drive towards a common goal.

“We are strong believers that knowing does not mean doing. Knowing what you should do, and doing what you know to do are two distinct things.”


Practical & Tangible Results

Who doesn’t like practical? While our courses and sessions are designed to move you in the direction of your goals, our approach is to create real and tangible next steps! Our focus is on your habits to provide you with a clear access to concrete results.

Experimental Education

In our courses, the classroom is your sandbox. You will learn by exploring, by creating, and by collaborating. We don’t subscribe to conventional teaching methods – our philosophy is rooted in the idea that learning is best done through experience, reflection, and direct application.

A Living Laboratory

Learning isn’t limited to the classroom. The goal is to have you continuously applying and testing what you learn in your day-to-day life; and using your discoveries as a direct, personal feedback system. This is what we call a living laboratory.

Community-Driven Learning

Learning is a social process. Our participants form a community of support, inspiration and accountability. Not only is it more fun to learn together, but it enables you to go beyond your past limitations.


  • David Kohler
      David KohlerCurator, Facilitator

      A multiple award-winning teacher, an instructor trainer, and a personal coach, David was always been passionate about education and teaching. He is currently the Academic Director at RED Academy where he works closely with instructors to develop their skills. Having completed his doctoral dissertation in mathematics, David hails from a more traditional education background, but is eager to cause change through personal development initiatives such as Relearn Habits.

    • Cole Nakatani
        Cole NakataniCurator, Facilitator

        Cole has a passion for designing and facilitating transformational learning experiences. He is the founder of Ideahack Creative, an innovative digital services agency. As a self-proclaimed ‘education hacker’, Cole has been exploring and testing alternative methods to education and learning what enables post-secondary students, professionals and entrepreneurs to thrive in the 21st century.

      • Chloe Tarbet
          Chloe TarbetFacilitator

          Chloe is a big-time believer in lifelong learning, with The Habit Course being a significant experience that’s shaped a reorientation towards the path of growth. She is currently hustling to bring in fantastic people to help grow Bench Accounting, a start-up in Vancouver that’s making a huge difference in the lives of small business owners. Outside of Bench, Chloe is a regular contributor to the university space; she is well-known for the energy she brings to any event or workshop, and her ability to connect and inspire students.

        • Rosy Lee
            Rosy LeeFacilitator

            Rosy is the Education Manager at Lighthouse Labs, an 8-week intensive and immersive coding bootcamp that is changing the way people are educated. Passionate about developing people, creating community, experiential education and disruptive education, Rosy is eager to grow The Habit Course at the post-secondary level. She is a relationship-builder and a connector with a knack for turning ideas into action.

          • Corey Leung
              Corey LeungMarketing Guru

              Corey is proof that the Habit Course works — after being a participant in the course, he experienced a tremendous amount of personal growth and saw a ton of new results. Corey was then inspired to join the Relearn Habits team to help create positive change in the lives of others. Professionally, he is a Digital Marketer who loves playing around with data. Corey is excited to grow The Habit Course and continue to challenge the norms of traditional education.

            • Mark Macoy
                Mark MacoyAdvisor

                Mark is a highly sought after coach with 7 years of experience working with university students and young professionals. He currently works as a management consultant in New York. His motto is Seek. Become. Inspire as he firmly believes that the most successful leaders and coaches are those who have already done the work on themselves.

              "My biggest takeaway from The Habit Course was realizing that habits are malleable. The course taught me that I can take ownership of my life at any point in time and gave me a framework for building and changing my habits. The facilitators genuinely cared about my growth and maintained a relationship with me after the course, which I am very grateful for!" Grace Jin
              Grace JinStudent
              "(I have gained the ability) to identify what I thought was 'just the way it is' as a habit, and break it down to change it."Billiam Liu
              Billiam LiuWeb Developer
              "(Because of the Habit Course) my health has really improved. Over the last two years since I've taken the course, I've ditched 90% of the bad habits I wanted to stop. Which is actually more than I ever thought I could accomplish. I genuinely feel that The Habit Course helped me get crystal clear on my rewards and created an environment where I could be vulnerable and honest about my bad habits. It helped me get the ball rolling on what I wanted to change in my life and why."Kelly Trach
              Kelly Trach