Habit Course Logo

a 5-session course on how to build and maintain habits


Drawing on practical solutions rooted in the power of habits, The Habit Course is designed to have you walk away with new habits and a clear path forward. Our goal is simple: to get you into action so that you can start tackling that next big thing. After all, the best way to get ahead is to get started.


5 sessions, once a week

3 hours per session

In between sessions, you will work on your habits, implementing what you learned in class directly into your life.


Session #1: Designing Your Course
What is important to you right now? By zeroing in on this question, you will shape your course by focusing on an aspect of your life that matters to you. Our participants have tackled everything from health and productivity, to creativity and work-life balance.
Session #2: Energy Management
One of your body’s primary functions is to save energy. Energy is finite and intimately tied to habit formation. In this session, you will explore why we have habits, and learn techniques on how to make your habit practice more energy-efficient.
Session #3: Mental Habits
Habits are not limited to brushing your teeth and other physical behaviours. In this session we explore your mental habits and have a look at those that inhibit or promote your intended actions.
Session #4: Mindset and Perspective
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. A wide and flexible set of perspectives allows for a broader range of solutions. This session is designed to broaden your perspectives and for you to cultivate a mindset of personal growth.
Session #5: Setting up for Success
The course may come to an end, but we want you to continue learning, and applying what you have learned. This session is about creating a new structure for your future habit practice.


Practical & Tangible Results

Who doesn’t like practical? While our sessions are designed to move you in the direction of your goals, our approach is to create real and tangible next steps!  Our courses focus on your habits to provide you with a clear access to concrete results.

Experimental Education

In our courses, the classroom is your sandbox. You will learn by exploring, by creating, and by collaborating. We don’t subscribe to conventional teaching methods – our philosophy is rooted in the idea that learning is best done through experience, reflection, and direct application.

A Living Laboratory

Learning isn’t limited to the classroom. You will be continuously applying and testing what you learned in your day-to-day life; and bring back to the classroom your results and discoveries . This is what we call a living laboratory.

Community-Driven Learning

Learning is a social process. Our participants form a community of support, inspiration and accountability. Not only is it more fun to learn together, but it enables you to go beyond your past limitations.

"My biggest takeaway from The Habit Course was realizing that habits are malleable. The course taught me that I can take ownership of my life at any point in time and gave me a framework for building and changing my habits. The facilitators genuinely cared about my growth and maintained a relationship with me after the course, which I am very grateful for!" Grace Jin
Grace JinStudent
"After taking The Habit Course, I realized how significant habits play in our daily lives. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, every action is repeated unconsciously. The Habit Course allowed me to transform these everyday actions into something far more productive and meaningful. Two years later, I still use the habit of making lists, ultimately creating a more organized yet simpler workflow for me. Although this is a five-week course, the base knowledge that I gained is exponentially applicable in creating positive actions in all aspects of my life."Jessica Tse
Jessica TseStudent
"(I have gained the ability) to identify what I thought was 'just the way it is' as a habit, and break it down to change it."Billiam Liu
Billiam LiuWeb Developer
"(Because of the Habit Course) my health has really improved. Over the last two years since I've taken the course, I've ditched 90% of the bad habits I wanted to stop. Which is actually more than I ever thought I could accomplish. I genuinely feel that The Habit Course helped me get crystal clear on my rewards and created an environment where I could be vulnerable and honest about my bad habits. It helped me get the ball rolling on what I wanted to change in my life and why."Kelly Trach
Kelly Trach
"I wish I had taken this course earlier! (Relearn Habits) translates solid scientifically backed research into practical, bite-sized exercises that was easy but impactful to incorporate into my life. I've since grown much more self-aware about my actions and attitudes that can help build the habits I want."Raffle Koh
Raffle KohBusiness Analyst


For the first time ever, we’re offering a limited edition of The Habit Course specifically for UBC student leaders. For free.

If you’re a student leader and you’re out to do big things in your life, we want to hear from you. Through The Habit Course, you’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals, you will learn practical skills rooted in habit formation, and you’ll be able to directly apply what you learn to what’s most important to you.  For all your goals, big and small, it all begins with habits and making direct changes to your day-to-day.


You can learn more about this initiative by visiting our blog.