Drawing on practical solutions rooted in the power of habits, The Habit Course is designed to have you walk away with new habits and a clear path forward. Our goal is simple: to get you into action so that you can start tackling that next big thing. After all, the best way to get ahead is to get started.
Practical & Tangible Results
Who doesn’t like practical? While our sessions are designed to move you in the direction of your goals, our approach is to create real and tangible next steps! Our courses focus on your habits to provide you with a clear access to concrete results.
Experimental Education
In our courses, the classroom is your sandbox. You will learn by exploring, by creating, and by collaborating. We don’t subscribe to conventional teaching methods – our philosophy is rooted in the idea that learning is best done through experience, reflection, and direct application.
A Living Laboratory
Learning isn’t limited to the classroom. You will be continuously applying and testing what you learned in your day-to-day life; and bring back to the classroom your results and discoveries . This is what we call a living laboratory.
Community-Driven Learning
Learning is a social process. Our participants form a community of support, inspiration and accountability. Not only is it more fun to learn together, but it enables you to go beyond your past limitations.